Contracts API


Contracts API is a solution that allows the user to obtain data on contracts' creations and self-destructions. The API is divided into two endpoints: Get Contracts' Creations and Get Contracts' Self-Destructions.

A successful request includes information on contract, caller, transaction hash, block hash, block number, timestamp, origin, value, and EVM opcode. When making a request, it's mandatory to specify either contract, origin, or caller. The range should be defined by either block_number, timestamp, or block_hash.



Blockchain NetworkAvailability
Ethereum Mainnet
BNB Smart Chain Mainnet
Polygon PoS
Polygon zkEVM
Avalanche C-Chain
Arbitrum One
Metis Andromeda
Ethereum Sepolia
Ethereum Holešky
BNB Smart Chain Testnet
opBNB Testnet
Arbitrum Sepolia
Polygon Amoy